Book Titles

Seductive Interaction Design
Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences

By Stephen Anderson

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0321725523
Categories: Delight, Design, Interaction

86 Quotes Found

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Seductive Interaction Design:

When teased with a small bit of interesting information, people want to know more.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Successful businesses figure out how to join business goals with user goals. We call this value-centered design.


Seductive Interaction Design:

We’re engaged by situations in which we see our actions modify subsequent results.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Vision trumps all other sense and is the most direct way to perception.


Seductive Interaction Design:

It’s easier to recognize things we have previously experienced than it is to recall them from memory.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Usability clears the way for a good experience by eliminating troublesome interface distractions, but a great experience stems from something more – an awareness of why people could or do care.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Understanding motivation can be a powerful design tool.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…if you want to truly create a revolutionary product, you have to shift your thinking from a bottom-up task focus (which will only get you so far) to a top down focus that starts with the experience you wish people to have.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…design choices influence perceptions, elicit different responses, and affect a person’s ability to complete a task.


Seductive Interaction Design:

As user experience designers, we must consider every stimulus that might influence user interaction.