Book Titles

Good Boss, Bad Boss
How to Be the Best… and Learn from the Worst

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0446556088
Categories: Being a Boss, Leadership, Management

167 Quotes Found

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Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Most companies bring in new blood because things are going badly.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…you can be sure that even the best decision won’t succeed unless people – even those who opposed it – work to implement it well.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Bosses who ask for too much input and assistance make it tough for people to concentrate.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…just because people can perform a job well doesn’t mean they ought to help manage it.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…the best bosses ‘let workers work.’ – Jeff Pfeffer


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Every boss ought to learn a lesson from the pissed-off profession: sham participation is a sure-fire way to undermine people’s productivity and wipe out their trust.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

When people seem to be perfect, it just means you don’t know them very well.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

A hallmark of wise bosses is that they are not only aware of their ignorance, weak skills, and character flaws – they actually do something about it.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Wise bosses also enlist followers as teachers.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…surveys show that employees with supervisors (or someone else) who care about them as people are happier and more committed to their work.