Book Titles

Good Boss, Bad Boss
How to Be the Best… and Learn from the Worst

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0446556088
Categories: Being a Boss, Leadership, Management

167 Quotes Found

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Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Acting confident will help you become confident. Confidence is also important because, like all emotions, it is contagious and will spread to followers.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The ability to convey confidence isn’t something most bosses are born with; they learn it through mentoring and experience.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

People want to oversee, work for, and patronize winners, and it comforts and calms them to believe the boss is in control.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Everyone wins if you can bring yourself to give your people as much credit as possible and take as little as possible.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Refusal to accept blame, pointing fingers at others, and wimpy language can help bosses keep their jobs for awhile, but it usually backfires in the long run.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Experiments… show that managers who took responsibility for bad events like pay freezes and failed projects were seen as more powerful, competent, and likable than those who denied responsibility.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…willingness to accept blame for future setbacks shows how, to get and keep a management job, skilled bosses talk and act as if there is a strong link between their actions and followers’ performance.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Ask your people what they need to succeed and then try to give it to them. Obvious, isn’t it? It is also remarkably rare.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The best bosses dance on the edge of overconfidence, but a healthy dose of self-doubt and humility saves them from turning arrogant and pigheaded.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Listen to those under your supervision. Really listen. Don’t act as if you’re listening and let it go in one ear and out the other. Faking it is worse than not doing it at all. – Coach John Wooden