Book Titles

Good Boss, Bad Boss
How to Be the Best… and Learn from the Worst

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0446556088
Categories: Being a Boss, Leadership, Management

167 Quotes Found

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Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Effective bosses know it is sometimes best to leave their people alone.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Nosy bosses also undermine performance by asking annoying and useless questions that interrupt people’s work.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…followers who are closely monitored become less creative because – to avoid screwing up in front of the boss – they stick to tried-and-true paths.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The best management is sometimes less management or no management at all.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Great bosses instill grit in followers. They are dogged and patient, pressing themselves and others to move ever forward.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Having long-term goals, and doggedly working toward them day after day, is a hallmark of bosses with grit.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The path to success is paved with small wins. Even the grandest and most glorious victories rest on a string of modest but constructive steps forward.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The best bosses realize that when they focus on the little things, the big things take care of themselves.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…being a boss is much like being a high-status primate in any group: the creatures beneath you in the pecking order watch every move you make…


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

People in power tend to become self-centered and oblivious to what their followers need, do, and say.