
13142 Quotes Found

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, Page 003

The relentless urgency that characterizes most corporate cultures undermines creativity, quality, engagement, thoughtful deliberation, and, ultimately, performance.

Fail Fast, Fail Often, Page 003

When you focus on the shortcomings in your life, drag your feet, and belabor your bad habits and neuroses, you see nothing but your own misery.

How to Be a Great Boss, Page 3

…to get the most from your people – to have a highly motivated workforce – you, in your role as boss, must create an environment where your people will thrive.

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, Page 003

No matter how much value we produce today – whether it’s measured in dollars or sales or goods or widgets – it’s never enough.

How the Mighty Fall, Page 003

…organizational decline, unlike cancer, is largely self-inflicted.

Focus, Page 3

While the link between attention and excellence remains hidden most of the time, it ripples through almost everything we seek to accomplish.

How to Become a Rainmaker, Page 3

The most important factor in any business or organization is having a customer… without customers no organization can continue to survive.

Winners Never Cheat, Page 3

Crises must and can be resolved in moral ways.

How to Be a Great Boss, Page 3

…highly motivated employees enjoy both personal and professional satisfaction from what they do. – Matthew Kelly

The Heart of Change, Page 3

A sense of urgency, sometimes developed by very creative means, gets people off the couch, out of a bunker, and ready to move.