Predicting whether an executive can scale corrupts your ability to manage, is unfair, and doesn’t work.
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The perpetuation of a business is a central entrepreneurial task – and ability to do so may well be the most definitive test of a management.
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…increasingly the ability of organizations – and not only of businesses – to survive will come to depend on their comparative advantage in making the knowledge worker productive.
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The demand for executives is steadily growing. A developed society increasingly replaces manual skill with theoretical knowledge and the ability to organize and to lead – in short, with managerial ability.
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…if new information technology is abused to impose control on managers from above, it will inflict incalculable harm by demoralizing management and by seriously lowering the effectiveness of managers.
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Performance is… the consistent ability to produce results over prolonged periods of time and in a variety of assignments.
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Prosperity rises as people become more capable of absorbing new ideas and filtering out old ones.
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Cognitive skills that amplify our ability to take in and understand information lay the groundwork for becoming a sponge. As we become more spongelike, we become better equipped to achieve greater things.
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We’re more confident in our ability to surmount struggles after guiding others through them.
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Unlocking the hidden potential in groups requires leadership practices, team processes, and systems that harness the capabilities and contributions of all their members.
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