Above all other stresses, it’s the feeling of being personally criticized that appears to take the greatest toll on our bodies, and on our ability to think clearly.
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The need for purpose is unique to human beings. We’re the only species capable of reflecting on why we’re here.
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…strike hard, try everything, do everything, render everything, and become the person you are capable of being.
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Unless you are willing to take risks, you will suffer paralyzing inhibitions, and you will never do what you are capable of doing.
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Ultimately, a leader’s ability to galvanize his or her co-workers resides both in self understanding and in understanding the co-workers’ needs and wants…
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Only the most innovative organizations have begun truly to tap into their primary resource, their people, much less giving them the means to do what they are capable of doing.
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Human beings may not be eager to change, but we have the ability to change, and the fact that many of our self-protective delusions and blind spots are built in to the way the brain works is no justification for not trying.
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If the person who admits mistakes or harm is a business or political leader, you will probably feel reassured that you are in the capable hands of someone big enough to do the right thing…
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The true value of an organization is measured by the desire others have to contribute to that organization’s ability to keep succeeding, not just during the time they are there, but well beyond their own tenure.
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The art of good leadership is the ability to look beyond the growth plan and the willingness to act prudently when something is not ready or not right, even if it means slowing things down.
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