Above the 150 Tipping Point, there begin to be structural impediments to the ability of the group to agree and act with one voice.
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…high tech is no longer enough. We’ll need to supplement our well-developed high-tech abilities with abilities that are high concept and high touch.
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The essence of persuasion, communication, and self-understanding has become the ability also to fashion a compelling narrative.
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What begins to matter more [than facts] is the ability to place these facts in context and to delivery them with emotional impact.
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The ability to encapsulate, contextualize, and emotionalize has become vastly more important in the Conceptual Age.
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In a complex world, mastery of metaphor – a whole-minded ability that some cognitive scientists have called ‘imaginative rationality’ – has become ever more valuable.
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What conductors and composers desire… is the ability to marshal these relationships into a whole whose magnificence exceeds the sum of its parts.
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Playing video games enhances individuals’ ability to detect changes in the environment and their capacity to process information simultaneously.
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…we ought to take spirituality seriously because of its demonstrated ability to improve our lives – something that might be even more valuable when so many of us have satisfied (and oversatisfied) our material needs.
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Relying on multitasking as a way of life, we chop up our opportunities and abilities to make big-picture sense of the world and pursue our long-term goals.
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