Interconnectedness and the ability to transmit information instantly can endow small groups with unpresented influence…
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Because of the density of linkages, complex systems fluctuate extremely and exhibit unpredictability.
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Complexity means that, in spite of our increased abilities to track and measure, the world has become, in many ways, vastly less predictable.
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With rising interdependence and unpredictability, the costs of micromanagement are increasing.
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Even the most successful of today’s heroic leaders appear uneasy in the saddle, all too aware that their ability to understand and control is a chimera. We have to begin leading differently.
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Creativity and leading a truly adaptive organization requires building, leading, and maintaining a culture that is flexible but also durable.
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…design choices influence perceptions, elicit different responses, and affect a person’s ability to complete a task.
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If you take away people’s ability to judge themselves and others based on time, then it’s harder for beliefs about work to be used as a measure for performance.
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You’re going to judge people, so judge them on their performance, on their ability to meet goals. Take time and place out of the equation.
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Because all virtues are connected to others, any strength overused ultimately becomes a liability.
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