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Charm is simply a matter of being yourself. Your uniqueness is your power. We are all born with innate winning traits to be a masterful small talker.


If we approach an argument as war, there will be winners and losers. If we see it more as a dance, we can begin to choreograph a way forward.


…the first thing you are trying to win is a better way to negotiate – a way that avoids your having to choose between the satisfactions of getting what you deserve and of being decent. You can have both.


…it’s customary to draw up a list of all the desired traits that a winning candidate should have… these specifications sometimes become so long and lofty that they verge on absurdity.


Spend long enough time in a field, and the winning path becomes evident.


Figuring out how to catch those early stirrings of promise is a marvelous, maddening obsession for any organization that wants to win in the talent hunt.


Anyone who wants to pick winners in high-prestige, high-stress fields needs to know as much as possible about people’s true stamina.


Harvest a wide range of insights from your own experience. Think about all the talents an organization needs to succeed. Look for winners in each dimension.


Wins needn’t be large to be meaningful.


The path to success is paved with small wins. Even the grandest and most glorious victories rest on a string of modest but constructive steps forward.