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Win-lose deals won’t last. Oppression has seldom proven to be a sustainable system.


Entrepreneurship is not a sprint because it takes years to win. It’s not a marathon because there are multiple events. A decathlon is closer, but a decathlon is not a team sport. No sports analogy does entrepreneurship justice.


The game becomes looking busy instead of working hard and solving problems and contributing. It’s a game no one wins.


…if you have to think about it in terms of one side having to win… The employee wins. The employee gets their life back, their sanity, and their sense of self-worth.


No matter how successful we are in life, when we die, none of us will be declared the winner of life. And there is certainly no such thing as winning business.


Despite the fact that companies are playing in a game that cannot be won, too many business leaders keep playing as if they can.


…to succeed in the Infinite Game of business, we have to stop thinking about who wins or who’s the best and start thinking about how to build organizations that are strong enough and healthy enough to stay in the game for many generations to come.


…when there is a Just Cause, a reason to come to work that is bigger than any particular win, our days take on more meaning and feel more fulfilling.


Traditional competition forces us to take on an attitude of winning. A Worth Rival inspires us to take on an attitude of improvement.


…hurdles are the perfect opportunity for the brave to win stunning victories.