Talent is Overrated:
The command and control model of leadership just won’t work 99 percent of the time. -A.G. Laffey
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Talent is Overrated:
You don’t develop people on the cheap, and you don’t just bolt a development program onto existing HR procedures.
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Talent is Overrated:
The CEOs of top-performing companies agree that people development is at the center of their jobs.
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Talent is Overrated:
Though executives at the best companies talk about their leadership development programs, they generally realize the term isn’t quite right. Developing leaders isn’t a program – it’s a way of living.
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Talent is Overrated:
…most people in an organization don’t work alone. They work in teams, strictly or loosely defined. And a team’s performance is emphatically not determined solely by the abilities of its members individually.
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Talent is Overrated:
Turning groups of great individuals into great teams is a discipline in itself, which also operates on the principles of great performance.
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Talent is Overrated:
Organizations that are the most successful at building team performance are especially skilled at avoiding or addressing potential problems that are particularly toxic to the elements of deliberate practice…
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Talent is Overrated:
Chemistry and culture are key.
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Talent is Overrated:
Trust is the most fundamental element of a winning team.
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Talent is Overrated:
…consultants have developed many additional exercises that involve people sharing personal stories or revealing their personality type… But the process can be rushed only so much.
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