User habits are hard to break and confer powerful competitive advantages to any company fortunate enough to successfully create them.
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When you create something that you would use, that you believe makes the user’s life better, you are facilitating a healthy habit.
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Even though the world is becoming a potentially more addictive place, most people have the ability to self-regulate their behaviors.
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…the odds of successfully designing products for a customer you don’t know extremely well are depressingly low.
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Art is often fleeting; products that form habits around entertainment tend to fade quickly from users’ lives.
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Entertainment is a hits-driven business because the brain reacts to stimulus by wanting more and more of it, ever hungry for continuous novelty.
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If the innovator has a clear conscience that the product materially improves people’s lives – first among them, the designer’s – then the only path is to push forward.
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If you only build for fame or fortune, you will likely find neither. Build for meaning, though, and you can’t go wrong.
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The most highly rewarded entrepreneurs are driven by meaning, a vision for greater good that drives them forward.
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Startups are grueling and only the most fortunate persevere before finding success.
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