An even keel in attention reflects a mental mode where we simply notice whatever comes into awareness without getting caught up or swept away… everything flows through.
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Selecting one sharp focus requires inhibiting a multitude of others… That takes cognitive effort.
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We do well to unplug regularly; quiet time restores our focus and composure.
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… the single most focusing activity in anyone’s day, and the most pleasant, is lovemaking.
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Self-awareness… represents an essential focus, one that attunes us to the subtle murmurs within that can help guide our way through life.
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…how do you hear ‘your inner voice,’ what your heart and intuition somehow already know? You need to depend on your body’s signals.
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Our ‘gut feelings’ are messages… that simplify life decisions for us by guiding our attention toward smarter options. The better we are at reading these messages, the better our intuition.
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Self-awareness seems to diminish with promotions up the organization’s ladder.
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The unstated need to protect a treasured opinion (by discounting crucial disconfirming data) drives shared blind spots that lead to bad decisions.
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When this tendency to ignore evidence to the contrary spreads into a shared self-deception, it becomes groupthink.
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