Play equals trust, a space where people can take risks…
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Cognitive psychologists find that people tend to favor now in decisions of all kinds…
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To be truly great, leaders need to expand their focus to a further horizon line, even beyond decades, while taking their systems understanding to a much finer focus.
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If we see a company as little more than a machine for making money, we ignore… the people who work there, the communities it operates in, its customers and clients, and society at large.
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…a great leader defines a mission, acts on many levels, and tackles the biggest problems.
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Great leaders do not settle for systems as they are, but see what they could become, and so work to transform them for the better, to benefit the widest circle.
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…there’s a hidden ingredient in any true solution: enhancing our attention and understanding – in ourselves, in others, in our communities and societies.
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Whether within a family, on social media, or in an organization or society as a whole, we are all leaders in one way or another.
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We must ask ourselves: in the service of what exactly are we using whatever talents we have? If our focus serves only our personal ends… then in the long run all of us, as a species, are doomed.
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The largest lens for our focus encompasses global systems; considers the needs of everyone, including the powerless and poor, and peers far ahead in time.
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