Book Titles

The Lean Startup
How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

By Eric Ries

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0-307-88789-4
Categories: Innovation, Lean, Startups

150 Quotes Found

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The Lean Startup:

This is one of the most important discoveries of the lean manufacturing movement: you cannot trade quality for time.


The Lean Startup:

If you are causing (or missing) quality problems now, the resulting defects will slow you down later. Defects cause a lot of rework, low morale, and customer complaints…


The Lean Startup:

When you’re going too fast, you cause more problems. Adaptive processes force you to slow down and invest in preventing the kinds of problems that are currently wasting time.


The Lean Startup:

At the root of every seemingly technical problem is a human problem.


The Lean Startup:

The more problems you have, the more you invest in solutions to those problems.


The Lean Startup:

…the Five Whys… help us see the objective truth that chronic problems are caused by bad process, not bad people, and remedy them accordingly.


The Lean Startup:

Building an adaptive organization… requires executive leadership to sponsor and support the process.


The Lean Startup:

…the standard ‘waterfall’ development methodology… is completely maladapted for today’s rapidly changing business environment.


The Lean Startup:

One thing that is nice about NPS (Net Promoter Score) is that it is very stable over time. Since it is measuring customer satisfaction, it is not subject to minor fluctuations…


The Lean Startup:

’Organizations have muscle memory,’ and it is hard for people to unlearn old habits. – Greg Wright