The Enthusiastic Employee:
Moderately satisfied employees… comprise a generally willing workforce… However, it is more of a passive loyalty. Enthusiastic employees don’t need to be asked.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
This is my team; this is my company.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
Enthusiasm is not a recipe for perpetual bliss or automatic success, and it has little in common with ‘contentment.’
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…employee enthusiasm decreases in most companies after the first 6 to 12 months of Employers.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…most voluntary turnover occurs within the first year as people and their employers learn whether they’ve found the right fit.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
Anger is primarily a product of a sense of injustice… the motivation of an angry employee is to do less and often to influence others… to restrict their work.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
Without question, investments in the ‘[FORBES] 100 Best Companies to Work For’ have greatly outperformed the S&P 500.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…the evidence for the positive impact of very high levels of employee morale on business success is strong.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…research… plus simple logic, suggests that the relationship between morale and performance is reciprocal: each is both a cause and an effect of the other.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…happy employees make for satisfied customers…, but it goes both ways: having satisfied customers boosts employee morale because it is a key source of pride for them.
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