Book Titles

The Enthusiastic Employee
How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What they Want

By David Sirota, Douglas Klein

Year Published: 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0133249026
Categories: Employees, Employers, Enthusiasm

238 Quotes Found

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The Enthusiastic Employee:

Although people at work derive pleasure from association with others… their greatest satisfaction comes from interacting as a team on the job in the service of common business goals.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

In organizations with good teamwork, the boundary between work and breaks becomes blurred…


The Enthusiastic Employee:

…through teamwork and simple and repeated social interaction, a work community is established: people who enjoy each other’s company and have a shared commitment…


The Enthusiastic Employee:

There is… a great deal of interdependence among workers doing even the most highly fractioned work.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

Cooperation – not job descriptions, not organization charts, not formal procedures – is the glue that binds the parts of the organization.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

When organizations are managed as more than a collection of individuals, the resulting whole is typically greater than the sum of its parts.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

…analyses almost invariably show strong positive correlations between teamwork in organizations (as perceived by employees) and organization performance.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

Besides being wasteful and debilitating, much of the conflict in organizations is needless and irrational.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

Much of the discord between groups in organizations… does not stem from an inherent incompatibility of interests, but from a perception that such incompatibility exists.


The Enthusiastic Employee:

The foundation for success is that both parties trust that they share common goals.