The Enthusiastic Employee:
…we know that emotion is rarely absent in people’s relationships, including the relationships between mature businesspeople, and that misperceptions and misunderstandings frequently arise.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…union representation is, by and large, no longer perceived to be as valuable as it once was.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…committing to employees in fundamental respects pays off big time over the long term.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…most workers… want a leader steering the ship, but a leader who recognizes that the day-to-day workings of the units of the ship are best left to those most knowledgeable of the work in those units.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
Obtaining collaboration takes time and thus requires a longer-term perspective.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
When management treats workers and their organization as enemies, they are treated as enemies in return. It’s as simple as that.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
Studies of supplier relations reveal substantial benefits from a partnership relationship, especially in the quality of the products or services the supplier provides…
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
When [people are treated as partners], the positive effects – the willingness of people to go all out in their performance – are profound.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…strong values – an inspiring purpose coupled with genuine cohesiveness as partners – generates a resilience that is immeasurably important as an organization’s conditions change.
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The Enthusiastic Employee:
…there are few if any periods since the Industrial Revolution in which the velocity of change has been as great or the changes as large and numerous and long-lasting as what we see today.
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