Average is Over:
…don’t expect all the frustrations to go away all at once or to go away anytime soon… the advances of genius machines come in an uneven and staggered fashion.
119 |

Average is Over:
In the broader context of professional performance, sooner or later most professionals will have to submit to ratings, one way or another, or bear the consequences…
121 |

Average is Over:
It’s going to be a very different world when consumers feel so much on top, and in some ways it will be more dangerous because consumers do not always know what they are doing.
123 |

Average is Over:
The most skilled man-machine teams will ear a lot, but there will be an issue of societal trust, precisely because their mastery of external environment may outstrip our ability to judge them.
127 |

Average is Over:
Freestyle decisions at the highest levels are… – by their nature – uniquely creative acts.
129 |

Average is Over:
When it comes to technology, progress is usually good, but gradual progress is better.
133 |

Average is Over:
The truth is there are no real vampire, no dragons, and no HALS. Let’s no worry about them appearing under the bed or in our hard drives.
135 |

Average is Over:
Most AI applications still require human support, and those applications… will not come close to displacing all human jobs.
137 |

Average is Over:
…intelligent machines will replace some laborers and augment the value of others in a slow and halting manner.
137 |

Average is Over:
…Turing notes that a machine will be most effective, cognitively speaking, when it does something other than imitate or try to imitate a man.
144 |