Average is Over:
In a wealthy society, sometimes it’s just enough to get by and have a good time. It may not sound adventurous or even very American, but we’re going to be seeing more of that in the years to come.
63 |

Average is Over:
Games reflect and bring together modern trends in cognition, entertainment, education, and the rapid processing of information.
67 |

Average is Over:
A particular personality trait that doesn’t come easily to everyone will be needed in a lot of situations: the ability to handle or maybe just ignore the ongoing appearance of stressful situations.
73 |

Average is Over:
People know that they need to take chances in complex situations, and they will buy tactical computer programs that help them do this.
74 |

Average is Over:
Average is over. Some real-world interactions will become a lot simpler and call for conservatism and simple rule-following behavior, while others will become fare more complicated and extreme.
74 |

Average is Over:
The case for keeping it simple is plain: Just do what the machine tells you to.
74 |

Average is Over:
…it is easy to imagine intelligent machines changing the way we interact with one another and making significant parts of our world a lot more unpredictable and a lot more passionate.
75 |

Average is Over:
The model is humans and machines working together and each making use of previously uncelebrated and underutilized abilities.
75 |

Average is Over:
…the machines embody the principles of man-machine collaboration at their core – even when they are playing alone.
83 |

Average is Over:
…direct man-machine cooperation, focused on making very specific evaluations or completing very specific tasks, will revolutionize much of our economy…
87 |