Average is Over:
Sometimes the skills of computers will be used for outright cheating, and we can expect this problem to increase as the computers get better.
146 |

Average is Over:
When people use Google more, they lose some of their ability – or at least willingness – to remember facts.
151 |

Average is Over:
Google is the successful embodiment, through technology, of the earlier dream of the memory palace.
153 |

Average is Over:
…most people prefer to give up some memory to enjoy this symbiotic relationship with modern search.
154 |

Average is Over:
We… experience things differently when we feel we are dealing with a machine rather than a person.
157 |

Average is Over:
We don’t want to treat human beings and computer programs the same way, even when the latter become extremely skilled…
158 |

Average is Over:
For better or worse, we will remain – at the margin – rather desperately in need of help from the genius machines.
158 |

Average is Over:
…technology and machines have historically had a larger effect on labor markets in the United States than has foreign competition.
162 |

Average is Over:
…new information and communications technologies – which can substitute for labor – play a larger role in compensation shifts than does foreign trade.
162 |

Average is Over:
…machines are getting better education, more rapidly and more cheaply, than are their human teammates… That’s the root of the problem for a lot of workers.
168 |