Book Titles

Average is Over
Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation

By Tyler Cowen

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-525-95373-9
Categories: Future, Intelligence, Technology

125 Quotes Found

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Average is Over:

The better the world is at measuring value, the more demanding a lot of career paths will become.


Average is Over:

Managers play a role of growing importance in coordinating complex, large-scale production processes.


Average is Over:

To hire a risky and iffy worker, without a competent overseer, simply isn’t worth it, no matter how low the wage.


Average is Over:

The growing value of conscientiousness in the workplace helps women do better than men at work and in colleges and universities.


Average is Over:

There is no high morale without exclusion, no integrity without exclusion, and no corporate culture without exclusion.


Average is Over:

Labor market polarization means that workers are, to an increasing degree, falling into two camps. They either do very well in labor markets or they don’t do well at all.


Average is Over:

A lot of jobs aren’t worth as much as before, and they are not being replaced by a comparable number of high-earning slots.


Average is Over:

It’s clear: The world is demanding more in the way of credentials, more in the way of ability, and it is passing along most of the higher rewards to a relatively small cognitive elite.


Average is Over:

As a general rule, the age structure of achievement is being ratcheted upward due to specialization and the growth of knowledge.


Average is Over:

Labor markets are tough, and not always fair, but intelligence will be rewarded for a long time to come.