Book Titles

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
How Successful People Become Even More Successful

By Marshall Goldsmith

Year Published: 2007
ISBN-13: 978-1-4013-0130-9
Categories: Change, Habits, Leadership

122 Quotes Found

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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

In order to have power, you need to inspire loyalty rather than fear and suspicion.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

Withholding information is nothing more than a misplaced need to win.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

If you really want to tick people off, don’t recognize their contributions.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

…there’s a difference between being an achiever and a leader. Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to others.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

When someone you work with steals the credit for a success that you created, they’re committing the most rage-inducing interpersonal ‘crime’ in the workplace.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

The next time you hear yourself saying, ‘I’m just no good at…,’ ask yourself, ‘Why not?’


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

If we can stop excusing ourselves, we can get better at almost anything we choose.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

…sometimes we blame other people not as an excuse for our failure, but as a subtle way of highlighting our successes.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

Stop blaming others for the choices you made – and that goes with double emphasis for the choices that turned out well.


What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:

We can’t see in ourselves what we can see so clearly in others.