The Coaching Habit:
It’s hard to change your behavior, and it takes courage to have a go at doing something differently, and resilience to keep at it when it doesn’t work perfectly the first time (which it won’t).
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The Coaching Habit:
One of the laws of change: As soon as you try something new, you’ll get resistance.
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The Coaching Habit:
An almost fail-safe way to start a chat that quickly turns into a real conversation is the question, ‘What’s on your mind?’
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The Coaching Habit:
Answers are closed rooms: and questions are open doors that invite us in.
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The Coaching Habit:
…one of the fundamental truths that neuroscience has laid bare: we are what we give our attention to.
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The Coaching Habit:
I know they seem innocuous. Three little words. But ‘And What Else?’ – the AWE Question – has magical properties.
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The Coaching Habit:
…remember that the first answer someone gives you is almost never the only answer, and it’s rarely the best answer.
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The Coaching Habit:
’And what else?’ is the quickest and easiest way to uncover and create new possibilities.
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The Coaching Habit:
Ask the right questions if you’re going to find the right answers. – Vanessa Redgrave
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The Coaching Habit:
Stop offering up advice with a question mark attached?
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