It’s the Manager:
…the top-down leadership techniques of the past have not adapted to a workplace that now demands coaching and collaboration to thrive.
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It’s the Manager:
Almost all leaders are subject to confirmation bias because they surround themselves with people who think like they do and who are consciously or unconsciously motivated to agree with them.
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It’s the Manager:
The great thing about fact-based decisions is that they overrule the hierarchy. – Jeff Bezos
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It’s the Manager:
Culture determines your brand – how employees and customers view your company.
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It’s the Manager:
…if your employees don’t know your organization’s purpose, they will leave.
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It’s the Manager:
Culture has a direct, measurable impact on performance.
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It’s the Manager:
Merging cultures rarely works because tribes, by nature, want to maintain their identities.
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It’s the Manager:
A great culture is one of the few things an organization can’t buy. Managers at all levels make or break your culture…
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It’s the Manager:
While overall compensation is still extremely important to nearly half of younger employees, it is less important than opportunities to learn and advance, the quality of their manager, and having interesting work.
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It’s the Manager:
…people often form judgments based on very small samples of interaction with someone else…
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