Flawless Consulting:
A consultant is a person in a position to have some influence over an individual, a group, or an organization but has no direct power to make changes or implement programs.
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Flawless Consulting:
Your goal or end product in any consulting activity is some kind of change.
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Flawless Consulting:
The consultant’s objective is to engage in successful actions that result in people or organizations managing themselves differently.
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Flawless Consulting:
…if your client makes a demand, you don’t necessarily have to obey.
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Flawless Consulting:
The power balance in lateral relationships is always open to ambiguity.
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Flawless Consulting:
Making decisions that people will support is not so easy.
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Flawless Consulting:
When people feel that something is important and they have some control, they will be motivated to exert the effort to make things work.
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Flawless Consulting:
People readily commit themselves to things they believe will further their interests.
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Flawless Consulting:
…problems that are purely technical are rare. Most problems have a human element in them…
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Flawless Consulting:
Studies done by outside experts seldom carry the kind of personal ownership and commitment needed to deal with difficult management issues.
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