Absolute Value:
Consumers used to make decisions relative to other things… But today, more and more decisions are based on the absolute value of things.
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Absolute Value:
When quality can be quickly assessed, people are less hesitant to try something new, which means that newcomers can enjoy lower barrier to entry.
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Absolute Value:
…our decisions are no longer driven only by what happens to be in front of us or is top-of-mind. Instead, we can easily and quickly evaluate things based on a global context…
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Absolute Value:
That’s just the way we are: absolute-value challenged, cognitive misers who are addicted to comparisons.
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Absolute Value:
A state of perfect information is of course theoretical… but in more and more areas of life, we’re starting to get closer to absolute values, which makes us less dependent on relative evaluations.
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Absolute Value:
…under certain conditions people can be overwhelmed by too many disorganized options, [but] in most real-world buying situations, options are already well sorted.
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Absolute Value:
It’s hard to position things in people’s minds when they have access to all the information they need.
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Absolute Value:
…market research tries to predict people’s preferences, but increasingly, decisions are influenced by the opinions of other consumers and experts.
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Absolute Value:
A key element to ensure that people are not susceptible to relative tactics is exposure to diverse sources, perspectives, options, and considerations.
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Absolute Value:
…surprising results and counterintuitive effects make good stories and these are exactly the stories that get more attention than they deserve and are prone to exaggerations.
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