Book Titles

Hidden Potential
The Science of Achieving Greater Things

By Adam Grant

Year Published: 2023
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 978-0593653142
Categories: Achievement, Potential, Science

119 Quotes Found

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Hidden Potential:

Good systems provide the opportunity for people to travel great distances.


Hidden Potential:

Instead of only looking for geniuses where we expect to find them, we can reach humanity’s potential by cultivating the genius in everyone.


Hidden Potential:

Our experiences in school can either fuel or flatten our growth.


Hidden Potential:

…the most important lesson to teach children is that learning is fun.


Hidden Potential:

A culture of opportunity only succeeds when students are motivated to take advantage of those opportunities.


Hidden Potential:

Extensive evidence shows that the wellspring of intrinsic motivation is having the freedom of opportunity to explore our interests.


Hidden Potential:

Cultivating the desire to read nourishes individual interests.


Hidden Potential:

Children pay attention to our attention: where we focus tells them what we prize.


Hidden Potential:

Interest is amplified when we have the opportunity to choose what we learn and share it with others.


Hidden Potential:

Unlocking the hidden potential in groups requires leadership practices, team processes, and systems that harness the capabilities and contributions of all their members.