Practically every basic management decision is a long-range decision… every major management decision takes years before it is really effective.
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Strategic planning is not the application of scientific methods to business decision. It is the application of thought, analysis, imagination, and judgment. Its is responsibility, rather than technique.
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…forecasting is not a respectable human activity and not worthwhile beyond the shortest of periods. Strategic planning is necessary precisely because we cannot forecast.
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We can make decisions only in the present, and yet we cannot make decisions for the present alone…
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The end result of successful strategic planning must be the capacity to take a greater risk, for this is the only way to improve entrepreneurial performance.
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The plan that provides only for doing additional and new things without provision for sloughing off old and tired ones is unlikely to have results.
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In the developed countries, industrial workers see themselves as severely deprived. They are defeated, losers, before they even start.
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The future of business, of the economy, and of society will be influenced greatly by the way we solve or fail to solve the growing crisis of the unions.
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Managing knowledge work and the knowledge worker will require exceptional imagination, exceptional courage, and leadership of a high order.
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Knowledge workers, except at the very lowest levels, are not productive under the spur of fear; only self-motivation and self-direction make them productive. They have to be achieving in order to produce at all.
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