…management has to embrace the entire process. It has to be focused on results and performance across the entire economic chain.
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National boundaries are important primarily as restraints. The practice of management will increasingly have to be defined operationally rather than politically.
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…the results of any institution exist only on the outside.
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Management’s concern and management’s responsibility are everything that affects the performance of the institution and its results – whether inside or outside, whether under the institution’s control or totally beyond it.
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From the definition of its mission and purpose, a business must derive objectives in a number of key areas, and it must balance these objectives against each other and against the competing demands of today and tomorrow.
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…what underlies the current malaise of so many large and successful organizations worldwide is that their theory of business no longer works.
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The theory of the business must be known and understood throughout the organization. That is easy in an organization’s early days. But as it becomes successful, an organization tends increasingly to take its theory for granted…
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Eventually every theory of the business becomes obsolete and then invalid.
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…when a theory shows the first signs of becoming obsolete, it is time to start thinking again, to ask again which assumptions… reflect reality most accurately.
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Every three years, an organization should challenge every product, every service, every policy, every distribution channel with the question, If we were not in it already, would we be going into it now?
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