The Infinite Game:
Where there is unbalance, there is unrest.
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The Infinite Game:
It’s a big deal to disrupt a system. Revolutions are fraught with risk. They are sudden. They are violent. And there is almost always a counterrevolution…
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The Infinite Game:
…it is upon the back of ordinary people that wealth and power are produced.
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The Infinite Game:
In our modern day and age, it is the employee who bears the most cost for the money companies and their leaders make.
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The Infinite Game:
People want to be treated fairly and share in the wealth they helped produce in payment for the cost they bear to grow their companies.
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The Infinite Game:
…all those seats of power – be they in business or politics – are in a position to effect change. But make no mistake, change is coming.
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The Infinite Game:
This finite system we have now will run itself dry of will and resources eventually. It always does. It always does.
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The Infinite Game:
If history and almost every stock market crash is any indicator, imbalance is a bitch.
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The Infinite Game:
…inside an organization, a company must provide for the protection of its people by building a culture in which employees feel psychologically safe and feel like their employer cares about them as human beings.
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The Infinite Game:
No one should have to come to work in fear of the annual round of layoffs simply because the company missed an arbitrary projection.
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