The Infinite Game:
For most of us, almost any kind of career opportunities we have are almost all tied to how well we perform in the finite game.
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The Infinite Game:
The Courage to Lead is a willingness to take risks for the good of an unknown future. And the risks are real.
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The Infinite Game:
Courage, as it relates to leading with an infinite mindset, is the willingness to completely change our perception of how the world works.
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The Infinite Game:
…trust is not built by pressure or force, trust is built by acting in a way consistent with one’s values, especially when it’s least expected.
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The Infinite Game:
Finite thinkers do not appreciate that an investment in people will ultimately benefit the company, the customer and their investments.
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The Infinite Game:
When companies and the people who lead them act with courage and integrity, when they demonstrate that they are honest and of strong character, they are often rewarded with good will from customers and employees.
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The Infinite Game:
The courage to see the Infinite Game – to see the purpose of business as something more heroic than simply making money, even it it’s unpopular with the finite players around us – is hard.
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The Infinite Game:
Only when organizations operate on a higher level than federal, state and local laws can we say they have integrity.
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The Infinite Game:
Courageous Leaders are strong because they know they don’t have all the answers and they don’t have total control.
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The Infinite Game:
It is the weak leader who takes the expedient route. The ones who think they have all the answers to try to control all the variables.
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