Book Titles

The Infinite Game

By Simon Sinek

Year Published: 2019
ISBN-13: 978-0-7352-1350-0
Categories: Games, Play, Rules

141 Quotes Found

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The Infinite Game:

Human beings are hardwired to protect themselves. We avoid danger and seek out places in which we feel safe.


The Infinite Game:

The most anxiety-inducing place to be is alone – where we feel we have to protect ourselves from the people on our own team.


The Infinite Game:

Real or perceived, when there is danger, we act from a place of fear rather than confidence.


The Infinite Game:

Fear is such a powerful motivator that it can force us to act in ways that are completely counter to our own or our organization’s best interests.


The Infinite Game:

…in the face of fear, we hide the truth. Which is bad in any circumstance, but when an organization is doing badly, it’s even worse.


The Infinite Game:

We must model the behavior we want to see, actively incentivize the kinds of behaviors that build trust and give e people responsible freedom and the support they need to flourish in their jobs.


The Infinite Game:

It is the combination of what we value and how we act that sets the culture of the company.


The Infinite Game:

Nothing and no one can perform at 100 percent forever. If we cannot be honest with one another and rely on one another for help during the challenging parts of the journey, we won’t get very far.


The Infinite Game:

Strongs relationships are the foundation of high-performing teams. And all high-performing teams start with trust.


The Infinite Game:

One of the primary jobs of any leader is to make new leaders.