Book Titles

Reality is Broken
Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

By Jane McGonigal

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-1-59429-285-8
Categories: Change, Games, Reality

71 Quotes Found

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Reality is Broken:

When we don’t see visible results that we can clearly link to our own efforts, it is impossible to take real satisfaction in our work. Unfortunately, for many of us this is true in our everyday work lives.


Reality is Broken:

…playing games can give us a taste of that elusive sense of individual agency and impact in a world where the work we do may be challenging, but our efforts often seem fruitless.


Reality is Broken:

…for many of us who aren’t gratified enough by our day-to-day jobs or don’t feel like our work is having a direct impact, gameful work is a real source of reward and satisfaction.


Reality is Broken:

The more we fail, the more eager we are to do better.


Reality is Broken:

…the right kind of failure feedback is a reward. It makes us more engaged and more optimistic about our odds of success.


Reality is Broken:

By design, every computer and video game puzzle is meant to be solvable, every mission accomplishable, and every level passable by a gamer with enough time and motivation.


Reality is Broken:

…hope of success is more exciting than success itself. Success is pleasurable, but it leaves us at a loss for something interesting to do. If we fail, and if we can try again, then we still have a mission.


Reality is Broken:

…when we can enjoy our own failure, we can spend more time suspended in a state of urgent optimism – the moment of hope just before our success is real, when we feel inspired to try our hardest and do our best.


Reality is Broken:

When we’re energized by failure, we develop emotional stamina. And emotional stamina makes it possible for us to hang in longer, to do much harder work, and to tackle more complex challenges.


Reality is Broken:

Flourishing isn’t about pleasure or satisfaction; it’s about living up to our fullest potential. And to truly flourish, we have to be optimistic about our own abilities and opportunities for success.