Reality is Broken:
…optimism about our own abilities not only makes us happier in the moment, it also increases our likelihood of success and feeling happier in the future.
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Reality is Broken:
…studies show that when we’re in an optimistic state of mind, we pay more attention, think more clearly, and learn faster. Hope primes our minds for real success.
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Reality is Broken:
…our tendency to set unrealistic goals, may be the cause of much of the current depression epidemic in the United States.
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Reality is Broken:
It’s depressing to spend our lives pursuing unrealistic goals. For anyone who wants to opt out of this culture of extreme dreaming, games help enormously.
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Reality is Broken:
Today’s best games help us realistically believe in our chances for success.
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Reality is Broken:
Success, as they say, means nothing alone. For all the positive feedback that a game can give us, we crave the praise and admiration of our friends and family even more.
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Reality is Broken:
Prosocial emotions – including love, compassion, admiration, and devotion – are feel-good emotions that are directed toward others. They’re crucial to our long-term happiness be cause they help create lasting social bonds.
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Reality is Broken:
Trash-talking, when it’s a playful way to insult your competition, is almost as important to our enjoyment of social network games as the actual core gameplay.
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Reality is Broken:
Teasing each other, recent scientific research has shown, is one of the fastest and most effective ways to intensify our positive feelings for each other.
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Reality is Broken:
…by allowing someone else to tease us, we confirm our willingness to be in a vulnerable position. We are actively demonstrating our trust in the other person’s regard for our emotional well-being.
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