Book Titles

Good Boss, Bad Boss
How to Be the Best… and Learn from the Worst

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0446556088
Categories: Being a Boss, Leadership, Management

167 Quotes Found

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Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…the best bosses and followers do what they propose.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

The best bosses let the workers do their work. They protect their people from red tape, meddlesome executives, nosy visitors, unnecessary meetings, and a host of other insults, intrusions and time wasters.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…too many bosses… disrespect people’s time and dignity – especially self-absorbed bosses bent on self-glorification.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…if you want your people to have more time to do work, be treated with dignity, and be proud to work for you, then start and end meetings on time.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…the best bosses keep hunting for little ways to use everyone’s time and energy more efficiently and respectfully.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

If you are a boss, protecting yourself from intrusions may be a lost cause… management work requires dozens – sometimes hundreds – of brief and fragmented tasks each day.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Work is more fragmented now because… e-mails and instant messages mean we are bombarded with important – and more often enticing and trivial – interruptions from anywhere in the world at any time.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…as a boss, the more trivial and unnecessary intrusions you can absorb, the more work your people will do and the less their mental health will suffer.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Unfortunately, sometimes the best thing for your people – and your career – is to cave in to these silly demands and do as you are told.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Good bosses try to cooperate with superiors and do what is best for their organizations, but they realize that defiance can be required to protect their people and themselves…