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If you want to take advantage of what today’s world has to offer you have to live by your wits and be willing to try something new, leaving your comfort zone for a while.


The forgotten key to taking advantage of the best in modern life is not intellectual but emotional. It is not that intellect doesn’t matter… But emotion is the on/off switch for advanced thinking.


If you know what you think and what you want, you have a very real advantage.


What we do not expect, what we have not practiced, has an advantage over us. What we have prepared for, what we have anticipated, we will be able to answer.


…expect problems. Even problems can be turned around to your advantage, and sometimes surprising events can happen.


…increasingly the ability of organizations – and not only of businesses – to survive will come to depend on their comparative advantage in making the knowledge worker productive.


The only true competitive advantage for a company or a nation will increasingly be the productivity of its knowledge workers. This will have a future impact on the governance of the corporation.


A culture of opportunity only succeeds when students are motivated to take advantage of those opportunities.


…most companies are far too slow to adopt promising platforms, trapped by legacy planning, budgeting, and organizational norms. By the time they are ready to act, evanescent early advantages are long gone.


Whatever the incentive, whatever the situation, dishonest people will try to gain an advantage by whatever means necessary.