User habits are hard to break and confer powerful competitive advantages to any company fortunate enough to successfully create them.
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With the digital sea swelling in sameness and overwhelmed in information, a powerful brand – built not on a product but on a personal message – has become a competitive advantage.
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…the future always counts, and looking further into it – rationally – is always an advantage.
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Making sound decisions fast and at low cost is a competitive advantage everywhere.
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Starting early holds advantages that become less available later in life.
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A very small advantage in some field can spark a series of events that produce far larger advantages.
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As the competition proceeds, a new, more realistic baseline develops, which favors later competitors, who gain the added advantage of seeing what others have done.
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…the most talented people in every occupation have huge advantages over their ordinary peers.
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Success is the result of what sociologists like to call ‘accumulative advantage.’
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The people who continue to write off games will be at a major disadvantage in the coming years.
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