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Portray hardship and possible failure as selling points for your jobs, rather than as liabilities. Middle-of-the-pack candidates won’t want any part of this.


The ability of a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people pull together as a team.


Our ability to provide for our kids, make ends meet or live a certain lifestyle sometimes comes at the cost of our own joy, happiness and fulfillment at work.


…if we are able to physically see what we are setting out to accomplish or clearly imagine it, then we are indeed… more likely to accomplish that goal.


The strength of the culture, and not its size or resources, determines an organization’s ability to adapt to the times, overcome adversity and pioneer new innovations.


Our ability to survive, even to live, depends on our capacity to coordinate with others in and across time.


The power of knowing, in that first two seconds, is not a gift given magically to fortunate few. It is an ability that we can all cultivate for ourselves.


Thin-slicing’ refers to the ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience.


As a society, we place enormous faith in tests because we think that they are a reliable indicator of the test taker’s ability and knowledge.


Most of us, in ways that we are not entirely aware of, automatically associate leadership ability with imposing physical stature.