With a logic problem, asking people to explain themselves doesn’t impair their ability to come up with the answers. In some cases, in fact, it may help.
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Mind reading… is an ability that improves with practice.
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This is the gift of training and experience – the ability to extract an enormous amount of meaningful information from the very thinnest slice of experience.
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…the most deeply incompetent people suffer from the most inflated assessments of their own abilities and performance.
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[Good bosses] protect their people from enemies up the chain, especially bosses who undermine their charges’ ability to get work done and make them miserable.
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Our ability to succeed at what we do is powerfully bound up with where we’re from…
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…ownership can interfere with our ability to walk away, especially when the thing we own, we created.
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…lots of hard things are not worth pursuing and the ability to walk away when it’s right is also a skill worth developing.
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…there is nothing as engaging as this state of working at the very limits of your ability – or what both game designers and psychologists call ‘flow.’
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Games teach us how to create opportunities for freely chosen, challenging work that keeps us at the limits of our abilities, and those lessons can be transferred to real life.
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