For virtually every company, the scarce resource today is human ability. That’s why companies are under unprecedented pressure to make sure that every employee is as highly developed as possible…
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[Talent]… is a natural ability to do something better than most people can do it… And it is innate; you’re born with it, and if you’re not born with it, you can’t acquire it.
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…research doesn’t support the view that extraordinary natural general abilities… are necessary for high achievement.
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…in a wide range of fields… the connection between general intelligence and specific ability is weak and in some cases apparently nonexistent.
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Deliberate practice works by helping us acquire the specific abilities we need to excel in a given field.
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Constantly trying to extend one’s abilities in a field requires amassing additional knowledge, and staying at it for years develops the critical connections that organize all that knowledge and make it useful.
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The brain’s ability to change is greatest in youth, but it doesn’t end there.
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There is in fact a path leading from the state of our own abilities to that of the greats. The path is extremely long and demanding, and only a few will follow it all the way to its end.
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The best performers go into their work with a powerful belief in what researchers call their self-efficacy – their ability to perform. They also believe strongly that all their work will pay off for them.
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…the economy is increasingly based not on financial capital but on human capital, and how the abilities of the people in an organization… determine an enterprise’s success or failure.
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