The most important part of any system is accountability. Without it most systems will fail…
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If everybody’s doing everything, then who’s accountable for anything?
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…victimization creates dependency and distrust, accountability creates independency and trust.
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When people – particularly leaders – hold themselves accountable, it encourages others to do the same.
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In addition to holding yourself accountable, it’s important to hold others accountable, both at work and at home.
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Accountability builds extraordinary trust in the culture when people feel secure in the knowledge that everyone will be held to certain standards.
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It’s not always easy to hold others accountable. In fact, sometimes it’s really hard. But the benefits in terms of trust are incredible.
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A great boss creates a work environment where people are fully engaged and highly accountable.
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This is the essence of discovery: to move from the language of innocence… to accountability…
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The myth is that setting standards will increase accountability. What is most often creates is compliance.
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