Book Titles

Start With No
The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know

By Jim Camp

Year Published: 2002
Categories: Conflict, Negotiation, Selling

205 Quotes Found

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Start With No:

Fear of rejection is a sign of neediness – specifically, the need to be liked. It is imperative for the negotiator to understand just what rejection is, and who can reject you and who cannot.


Start With No:

Your adversaries in a negotiation cannot reject you. There’s nothing you need from them, so how can they reject you? It’s impossible.


Start With No:

…can your adversary in a negotiation really reject you? They don’t have any such power. Never, never allow them to believe that they do.


Start With No:

The serious negotiator understands that he or she cannot go out into the world spending emotional energy in the effort to be liked, to be smart, to be important.


Start With No:

…the trained negotiator has no needs, because it just doesn’t matter. There are other deals. Turn the page on this one. Let it go.


Start With No:

More bad deals are signed and more sales are lost because of neediness than because of any other single factor. If there’s any need in this negotiation it has to be your adversary’s, not yours.


Start With No:

When you stop to consider, it’s amazing how much in our lives that we get so worked up over doesn’t matter, not really.


Start With No:

As good negotiators, the word ‘want’ means something we work for, strive for, plan for, but it is never confused with ‘need.’


Start With No:

The wise negotiator knows that only one person is a negotiation can feel okay, and that person is the adversary.


Start With No:

We tend to overplay our hand, so to speak, but as negotiators we must control this instinct while letting it blossom in our adversary.