Book Titles

Start With No
The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know

By Jim Camp

Year Published: 2002
Categories: Conflict, Negotiation, Selling

205 Quotes Found

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Start With No:

The self-image of the individual in the selling role traps him or her in a neediness mode and often leads to bad deals.


Start With No:

The only things we truly need are the basics of physical survival – air, water, food, clothing, shelter – and everyone reading this book already has these.


Start With No:

Sometimes neediness is blatant and easy to spot… but more often it is subtle and insidious. The trained negotiator sees neediness of all sorts all the time, in big ways and in little ways.


Start With No:

How many people do you know who won’t let you get a word in edgewise? By being overbearing, these people are actually betraying neediness.


Start With No:

Talking can be an overt showing of need… Talking and showing need go hand in hand.


Start With No:

This is a common issue that hard-driving, alpha-male types have to deal with daily: They want to know it all, or short of that, they want to be seen to know it all.


Start With No:

Cold calling is the worst way to do business, we all know that… it’s also a great way, because it’s a great training ground, and it can be surprisingly effective because your neediness is under control.


Start With No:

Do yourself a favor: treat every warm call as though it’s the coldest one you ever made.


Start With No:

When emotions run hot and heavy in negotiations, the high-pitched voice is a sure sign of need. The rushed delivery is another sure sign.


Start With No:

While needy negotiators raise their voices, negotiators under control lower their voices. So lower your voice in times of inner turmoil. Slow down.