Start With No:
Budgeting time is a matter of disciplining ourselves, of maintaining patience, of following our mission and purpose with dedication and skill.
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Start With No:
If you are using time well, you are always building your adversary’s budget.
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Start With No:
In a phrase, time intensifies pain. As the investment of time mounts higher and higher, so does the psychological pressure.
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Start With No:
…make certain that you do have ‘all the time in the world’ – and if you don’t, be ready to walk away. Remember, you only want this deal, you do not need this deal.
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Start With No:
Never underestimate the energy that’s going to be required to do a deal. Keeping our needs in check and completing the activity and behavioral goals we set will help us conserve our own energy and waste theirs.
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Start With No:
…when we get tired, we become impatient and more vulnerable.
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Start With No:
The physically stronger, more energetic side gets the best of the deal.
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Start With No:
Within the context of a negotiation, money is a surprisingly slippery commodity. Any given sum means different things to different people.
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Start With No:
Just as with time-and-energy, you want money to work for you and against your adversary.
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Start With No:
If you are constrained by money and your adversary is not, watch out.
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