Book Titles

Start With No
The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don’t Want You to Know

By Jim Camp

Year Published: 2002
Categories: Conflict, Negotiation, Selling

205 Quotes Found

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Start With No:

You cannot tell anyone anything… You can only help people see for themselves.


Start With No:

In trying to convince someone to buy this product or service or to sign this deal, in trying to reason with someone, we are setting ourselves up to fail.


Start With No:

…the price that will be paid in any negotiation – is directly related to the clarity of the vision of pain…


Start With No:

’Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness.’ – Emerson


Start With No:

The naturally glib negotiator talks too much. The brilliant negotiator tries to overpower his adversary with intelligence.


Start With No:

…budget is the way you keep on top of the real price to be paid in the negotiation, which goes way beyond dollars and cents.


Start With No:

In any negotiation, the calculation of time must enter our minds, because the time at our disposal and at our adversary’s disposal is so fleeting and finite.


Start With No:

No matter how good an appointment or meeting looks or sounds at first blush, it must meet the criteria of validity. If it doesn’t offer the prospect of producing results you can measure, it has to go.


Start With No:

…discover budget as your adversary shares his vision of his pain. People will pay a much higher price than you would ever ask.


Start With No:

…time actually becomes your ally; it is there to work for you, not to run out on you.