Focused attention, like a strained muscle, gets fatigued… Rest and restoring physical and mental energy get built into the training regimen.
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Optimal practice maintains optimal concentration.
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Think of attention as a mental muscle that we can strengthen by a workout.
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Negativity focuses us on a narrow range – what’s upsetting us… focusing on the negatives in experience offers a recipe for depression.
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Positive emotions widen our span of attention; we’re free to take it all in. Indeed, in the grip of positivity, our perceptions shift.
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…positivity… has great payoffs for performance, energizing us so we can focus better, think more flexibly, and persevere.
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When life brings a surprising positive moment, such as a warm conversation, the pleasant mood lasts and lasts.
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The positive lens keeps the joy in practice and learning – the reason even the most seasoned athletes and performers still enjoy rehearsing their moves.
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A conversation that starts with a person’s dreams and hopes can lead to a learning path…
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Whether we’re trying to hone a skill… the core elements of smart practice are the same; ideally a potent combination of joy, smart tactics, and full focus.
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