Book Titles

Winners Never Cheat
Even in Difficult Times

By Jon M Huntsman

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-700903-9
Categories: Ethics, Honesty, Success, Winning

135 Quotes Found

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Winners Never Cheat:

Constantly keep ethical expectations alive. Otherwise, brace for heavy consequences.


Winners Never Cheat:

If an executive has a background of cutting corners or of dishonesty, the organization and everyone inside it eventually will pay a price.


Winners Never Cheat:

Without lasting respect, relationships won’t long survive.


Winners Never Cheat:

Stand for what is right, not what is popular.


Winners Never Cheat:

Respect often comes at a cost – quite high at times – but one must be willing to pay the price.


Winners Never Cheat:

…remaining true to one’s conscience is a powerful force.


Winners Never Cheat:

Courage is not the understanding of what is right or wrong. Rather, it is the strength to choose the right course.


Winners Never Cheat:

If we must check to see whether our activity is wrong, it probably is.


Winners Never Cheat:

…we must believe we can succeed, or by definition, we already have failed.


Winners Never Cheat:

Each human is unique. When we seek to be like the next person, we lose autonomy.