Book Titles

Winners Never Cheat
Even in Difficult Times

By Jon M Huntsman

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-700903-9
Categories: Ethics, Honesty, Success, Winning

135 Quotes Found

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Winners Never Cheat:

Trust should not be blind. Save blind faith for religion.


Winners Never Cheat:

There is no excuse for lying, cheating, and selfishness under any circumstances, but one can see how the pressure to do so builds during a crisis.


Winners Never Cheat:

…winning is much more than ledgers. In assessing our worth, look first to the bedrock of our lives: values, health, family, and friends.


Winners Never Cheat:

Family and friends are the lifeblood and legacy of our lives.


Winners Never Cheat:

We are in dire need of constant reminders, whether from others or from ourselves, of the universal axiom: Honesty is the best policy.


Winners Never Cheat:

Life is not a game of Solitaire; people depend on one another.


Winners Never Cheat:

Judge people by their values, character, and deeds – not by their looks, backgrounds, and philosophical beliefs.


Winners Never Cheat:

There are no one-man teams – either by definition or natural law.


Winners Never Cheat:

Success is a cooperative effort; it’s depending upon those who stand beside you.


Winners Never Cheat:

…basic values must be uniform and in compliance with the culture you want for your company, organization, or home.